Visualize all of your portfolios

Gain insight into the combined performance of your investments from all platforms

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Portfolio overview

Visualize the historical performance of your portfolios.

We support most popular US/EU stocks, ETFs and mutual funds.

Holdings overview

Track all your holdings.

See their daily changes as well as their current value and total return.

Individual holdings

Zoom into a specific holding.

Check its overal performance as well as the return of every individual purchase.

Detailed composition

Keep a close eye on the composition of your holdings.

Find out if you need to rebalance in order to stay close to your goals.

Contribution calculator and rebalancing

Enter your contribution and we'll calculate what you need to buy in order to stay close to your allocation target.

Perfrect for long-term passive index/ETF portfolios.

Even more composition details

Breakdown your portfolio by asset class, sector, region and market cap

Create an anonymised public link to your portfolio (excluding exact transaction and monetary details) and show it to your friends.

Easily import transactions

An increasing number of integrations make it easy to import your transactions.

Currently, InteractiveBrokers, ETFMatic and Trading 212 are supported.

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